Note: These features are for advanced users. Be careful.
This menu contains various debug features to use for testing;
- heap: Displays information about the game's dynamic memory arena.
- display lists: Displays information about display list usage.
- objects: Shows a list of currently loaded objects, which contain graphical assets. The push option loads the object file of the given id at the end of the list, and the pop option unloads the last object in the list.
- actors: Browse the currently loaded actors, and spawn new actors. Select an actor type and use the arrows to scroll between all the loaded actors of that type. The address and id of the selected actor is displayed below, as well as the actor variable in that actor instance. The kill option marks the currently selected actor for deletion, and the go to option teleports Link to the location of that actor. Pressing cull zone will display the field of view for the selected actor. When the actor is outside of its field of view, it will be culled. To spawn a new actor, enter an actor id, variable, the x, y, and z components of the position and rotation to spawn the actor at, and press spawn. The fetch from link option loads Link's current position and rotation into the position and rotation fields.
- flags: Display and edit saved game flags. The flags are grouped by the records they are kept in. Use the arrows to cycle between flag records. Press a flag to toggle its state. A red flag is "off", and a green flag is "on". The log menu displays a list of recent flag events. When a flag changes, its record, id, and new value is inserted at the top off the list. The undo option reverts the effect of the most recent flag event and removes it from the log. The clear option removes all flag events from the log, but does not affect the state of the given flags. Note: The flag log only records changes when the log menu is open. If a flag changes and then changes back while the log is closed, these changes will not be recorded. Note: Scene-related flags only affect the currently loaded scene. If a scene flag event that occurred in one scene is undone in a different scene, it will not have the desired effect.
- memory: Memory editor. Use the horizontal arrows to cycle between memory domains, and the vertical arrows to scroll up and down between addresses. Holding Z while scrolling will scroll faster. You can also enter an address manually in the address field. To edit memory, select the desired data type and press a memory cell to modify it. The leftmost column shows the starting address of each row of memory cells. Pressing an address will open the watches menu and create a new watch at that address.
- rdb: Remote debugging interface through ED64 USB FIFO. Press start rdb to attach the debugger and halt the program, and stop rdb to detach the debugger. Press break to hit a breakpoint on the graph thread.