
Show collision, when enabled, shows the static and dynamic scene collision in the current scene. The collision polygons are color-coded to show special properties;

  • Blue: Hookshotable surface.
  • Purple: Surface with special interaction (ladder, vine, crawlspace, not climbable, grabbable).
  • Red: Void trigger.
  • Green: Load trigger.
  • Light green: Surface with special behavior (sand, quicksand, ice, lava, jabu wall, damaging wall, no recoil wall, void).
  • Light yellow: Slippery slope.
  • White: Normal surface.

Note that collision polygons are affected by scene lighting and fog, which can cause their appearance to be misleading. These effects can be disabled by turning off the shaded option. The collision view mode decides how collision polygons are drawn. The decal setting will draw polygons overlaid on scene textures, but will not produce any new surfaces (note however that most emulators do not correctly emulate this behavior). The surface setting draws collision polygons as their own surfaces, but can produce depth flickering on existing scene textures. Collision polygons can be configured to be completely opaque, or see-through with the translucent option. Water boundaries are displayed by default, but can be disabled with the waterboxes option. Enabling wifreframe will display lines around the edges of each polygon. The reduced option will reduce potential lag by only rendering collision polygons with some special property (i.e. colored polygons). When auto update is on, the collision view will update automatically when a collision view setting is changed, or when the collision changes. If turned off, the collision view must be manually disabled and re-enabled in order to update.

The show colliders option shows simple collision bodies and damage sources and sinks. The translucent and shaded options are identical to the collision view options with the same names. Hitboxes are also color-coded by their type;

  • Red: Hitboxes; deal damage.
  • Blue: Hurtboxes; take damage.
  • White: Bumpboxes; pushes and/or get pushed.

The types of colliders to show can be selected with the hit, hurt, and bump options. It's common for objects to have multiple overlapping hitboxes of different types.

Enabling show paths will display all of the paths that are defined in the current scene. These are usually waypoints for NPC's. Each point in the path will be displayed when points is enabled, and a line will be drawn between subsequent points when lines is enabled. The path display can be translucent or opaque as selected by the translucent option.